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East Lane Little League




Q: Does East Lane LL offer a payment plan in the registration process? 
Yes!!  Along with pay in full we have a “Half and Half” payment option. Pay half the day you register and other half in the early part of March  (not long after our open registration closes).  

Q: When are uniforms ordered? 
Uniforms are ordered after teams have been formed.  Your player’s uniform will not be ordered if you haven’t paid in full by the time the order was made or contacted the league to arrangements of some sort or set up a payment plan to pay in full by the time the regular season ends. 

Q: What do I need to do after I register my child(ren) online?

A:  Attend an onsite registration/evaluation/uniform fitting event so your child/children can be fitted for a uniform.  If you don’t feel you need to confirm uniform sizes you want to order, but your player is in the a competitive division then we will see you at our player evaluations when you can bring the birth certificate and other proofs of residency.  

Q: I've registered my child but I'm not sure about the uniform size I picked.  How do I know if it will fit?
The best way to know is to attend an East Lane LL event during the Open Registration portion of the season between January and the end of February where we will have test size uniforms available for trying on.  Its recommended that the player wear something sporty and capable of shedding heavy sweatshirts or pants in order to quickly try uniform pants and jerseys on while in a public area (like sliding shorts, warm up pants or leggings, and a snug Tee Shirt or tank top).

Alternatively if your child played with us last year and you still have their uniform from last year go ahead and see how well that still fits them, and then make your size selections based on that info. 

Q: I've registered and paid, but new circumstances have made me have to withdrawal my player from the league.  Can I get a refund?
A: Please send a detailed email to East Lane LL.  List your name, the name of your player(s), and what circumstances and outcome you'd like to have.  Your situation will be reviewed. If uniforms have already been ordered then a refund request will be reviewed and processed accordingly.  If any refund is approved after uniforms have been ordered then you will not receive the amount needed to pay for the uniform.  You will be notified once your uniform has arrived and given the option to pick it up though. 

Q: What division does my child play? (All ages listed below as League Age as determined by Little League International, see Site Links)
A: Seniors Baseball (90 foot bases)- boys 13-16 years old
     Seniors Softball - girls 13-16 years old
     Juniors Baseball (90 foot bases) - 13-14 years old (15 with a league waiver, but unable to pitch)
     Juniors Softball - girls 12 - 14 years old (15 with a league waiver, but unable to pitch) 
     Intermediate Baseball (50-70) - boys 11-13 years old 
     Majors Baseball - boys 10 - 12
     Majors Softball - girls 10 - 12 years old 
     -----Minor Leagues----
     AAA Baseball - boys player pitch 9-11 years old 
     AAA Softball - girls player pitch 8-11 years old 
     AA Baseball - boys machine pitch 8-10 years old 
     A Baseball (Formerly called Advanced Machine Pitch) - co-ed machine pitch 6-8 years old 
     ----Non Competitive----
     Coach/Pitch - co-ed  6-7 years old
     Tee ball - co-ed 4-6 years old
Q: How many children are on a team?
A:  Typically 10-13 children but can vary.  Majors teams must have equal number of players.  Minor teams can have any number of players.  Tee Ball teams are best suited around 6-7 players. 

Q: How are teams formed?
A: This varies but we like to have children play with their classmates for the lower divisions.  T-ball and coach pitch teams are formed by school boundaries when possible so children are able to play with their friends and classmates. Parents can make special requests for their player during the online registration process if they would prefer a team placement other than by school. If your child has not started school they will be placed by the elementary school they will attend.

Player pitch baseball and softball teams are formed by player skill, assessment/evaluation scores, and a player draft.  Teams in the Majors Division are formed new each year in order to have each team be equally balanced and fair with the other Majors Divisions teams.  Players returning to the Majors Division may not end up playing for the same coach the following year and may have different team mates as well in comparison to previous years.  Players in the AAA Division will be balanced out by skill as well and will not be guaranteed to play for the same coach as the previous year.  

Each player in this player pitch age group is required to participate in 50% of all player evaluations to assure they are placed in a division that is suited to their abilities for safety and maximum player development as required by Little League International.  Players looking to participate on an All-Star team must attend an evaluation regardless of team placement the previous season.

Q: How is a successful team season measured? 
A: A successful season is measured by whether the players had fun players playing the game, and want to return to play ball next season (preferably with East Lane LL when possible.)  Winning games (although rewarding and fun) will not be the measure of whether a player had a successful season.  While winning games is a desirable outcome and increases the fun factor/likelyhood of a player to return it is not determining factor for a successful season. 

Q: Do I have to attend the player evaluation/assessment?  
Players playing TeeBall, Coach/Machine Pitch, and Single A do not have to attend an evaluation.  If you intend for your player to play competitively at the AA, AAA, Majors, or Intermediate Divisions then they MUST attend at least 50% of the evaluation.  For these divisions attending an evaluation is a Little League International Requirement every season regardless of having played before.  The evaluation/assessment is NOT A TRYOUT.  This is strictly used to assure they are placed in a division that is suited to their abilities for safety and maximum player development as required by Little League International.  Little League Rules state also state that for a player to be fully eligible for All-Star selection they must have attended at least 50% of evaluations. 

Q:  Will my player be able to make a team?
Every player registered in every division will be placed onto a team.  Note: if your player is 7-9 years old and you want them to play AA or above and coaches scoring at the evaluation observe that your player may not score well enough to be drafted onto a AA team then a recommendation will be made that the player play a year at the Single A division.

Q: What does a Single A Baseball look like (Formerly AMP)?
The Single A Baseball game is a competitive baseball game using a real baseball pitched from 46 feet by the coach operating a Blue Flame Pitching Machine.  A player will receive up to 5 pitches before being called out.  A maximum of 5 runs per half inning or 3 outs before the teams move from offense to defense (or vice versa), max of 6 innings, and score is kept.  The time limit here is no new inning after 1hr 30min.  There is no stealing or extra bases on overthrows.  A batter may run to 2nd base if the outfielder is not able to pick up a ball and throw it in before the player rounds 1st to go to 2nd base.  No other runner ahead of the batter may take more bases than the batter takes.  This is a faster paced game than TeeBall or Coach/Machine Pitch (both those se soft core Tee Balls) focused on teaching hand eye coordination on a moving baseball and good fundamentals of play on defense.  Coaches are allowed to be on the defensive field to assist in teaching.  Note: this division is designed to be a stepping stone division for players who are almost ready for player pitch competitive baseball but can handle multiple aspects of a full competitive division.

Q: When does the season begin and end?
A:  Teams are formed by the middle of March and coaches contact players by the end of March. Practices start the first two weeks of April. Some player pitch baseball and softball teams may begin practicing the last week or two of March with the understanding that some players may not be available during spring break.

The regular season ends on the Saturday following the last school day in the Springfield School District (usually around Saturday June 15, 16, or 17th).  All-Star post season play will continue into the summer with dates to be announced.  All Star Tournament play usually starts in the end of June and depending on the success of the All Star team can run through the middle of August.  All Star Teams will be expected to travel to sanctioned Little League International Tournaments.

Q: How many games will my child play?

A:T-ball and Coach/Pitch will typically have around 12 games.  Single A will have about 12-14.  AA will have 12-18 games.  AAA and Majors will have 14-24 games.  Tiger T-Ball only plays on Saturdays (excluding Memorial Day weekend) while T-ball and Coach/Machine will typically play one game during the week on a weekday and one game on Saturday.  Single A and AA divisions will typically have 1 game during the week and another on Saturday to a max of 2 games a week.  AAA and Majors divisions may play two games during the Mon-Fri period and one game on Saturday.  AAA Softball and Majors Softball can play double headers.  It is also possible that Majors Baseball may play a double header on Saturday.

Q: How many practices do you have per week?  Does this change when you start to play games?
A:  Typically 2-3 practices per week, depending upon division/age of children.  Once games start, the number of practices can be altered and usually decreases to 1-2 per week.  Practices range from 60-90 minutes at the T-ball or Coach/Machine Pitch level and 90 minutes to two hours between Single A and AAA.  Majors level play will be 2 - 2.5 hrs per practice.  This is primarily dependent upon the team manager/coach.

Q: Where are practices
A:  Practices are held primarily at area elementary or middle school fields in Springfield, Lowell, Walterville or Pleasant Hill.  T-Ball and Tiger T-Ball can practice in any open grass area utilizing league provided throw bases.

Q: When do games begin and where are they?
A: Player pitch baseball and softball games begin around the middle of April. T-ball and coach pitch games will begin at the end of April.  Single A, AA, AAA, and Majors Divisions will have games in Springfield as well as Eugene.  Periodically a team may have to travel from the Springfield area to Cottage Grove or Lowell for a game.

For Majors BB/SB, Intermediate BB, and Juniors/Seniors BB/SB teams may travel to Corvallis, Albany, Turner, South Salem, Salem, Keizer, Mt. Angel, West Salem, or Dallas.  Occasionally a baseball team may travel to Drain or Roseburg.  League schedulers try to schedule double headers when possible and try to schedule a home and away series if possible.  This may be either a single game or double header out of town 1 weekend day and a weekend or 2 later the team from up north travels to an East Lane home field where another single game or double header take place.  Travel up north outside the area is dependent upon division of play.  For Majors teams can expect to play 2-4 weekends out of town while Intermediate, Juniors, and Seniors may have 3-6 weekends out of town.

Q: Why do Majors, Intermediate, Juniors, and Seniors teams travel so much?
A: Competition from outside the area promotes player growth and development beyond what local competition can sometimes provide and increases a team's exposure to different levels of offense and defense.  Travel allows for competition variety.  Travel outside the area also a fun and rewarding experience for teams as they get to see other Little League ball parks/complexes and face competition they may see if they decide to try and play All-Stars at the end of the regular season.

Q: How long do games last?
A: T-ball and Coach/Machine Pitch games last 3 innings (typically about 1hr 15 min).  Single A division games last 90 minutes (no new inning will start after 90 min or after 6 innings have been completed).  AA division games last 1hr 45 minutes (no new inning will start after 1hr 45 min or after 6 innings have been completed).  AAA and Majors games have a 2 hr time limit (with no new inning started after 2 hrs) or finish after 6 complete innings have been played.  Intermediate, Juniors, and Seniors have no time limit but Little League International Mercy Rules do apply.

Q: What if I have a child in 1st grade and they did not play tee ball?  Should they sign up for Tee ball or Coach/Machine or Single A division?
A: Please speak with an East Lane LL representative about placement.  Typically we encourage at least one year of T-ball or Coach/Machine Pitch before playing Single A or AA.  However, there are instances where a player has the skill set to play on a Single A machine pitch team.

Q: What equipment do I need for my child?
A: A uniform is provided by the league which is included in registration fees.  The degree of which their uniform consists of depends on the level of play.  Once players reach AA or above a full uniform (Hat, Jersey, Pants, Belt, and Sox) are provided.  Each child should have a baseball glove, cleats, and personal protection gear (cup) for boys (the cup is needed for all positions not just catcher).  Optional equipment you can have for your child: baseball bat, batting helmet and baseball bag. 

Q: What does the league typically provide each team?
A: Each team will be provided- Team bag, full catcher gear, practice balls, wiffle balls when possible, Tee, (Blue Flame pitching machine for the Coach/Machine and Single A Division), 1-2 bats, at least 4 helmets, rubber throw bases, medical first aid kit, and an Official Little League Rulebook (given to the manager at the coaches meeting). 

Q: Are coaches provided or are they volunteers?
A: East Lane LL is a volunteer run and operated non-profit organization like all Little League organizations world-wide.  Stated another way, there are no paid positions in Little League.  Please sign up to volunteer on the website if you are interested.  Some ways to get involved is being the team manager/head coach, field prep before the season begins, field prep on game days, score keeping, helping coaches keep kids on the bench focused during the games (assistant coach), shagging balls during a game, helping run drills during practice, umpiring, and team parent helping coaches with other various tasks. 

Q: What is required as a team manager/head coach?
You get to decide when practices are held.  Game schedules revolve around your schedule availability (within most reasonable circumstances).  You have input on your team colors, and you have primary decision making responsibilities for player position assignments and other team related actions.  You will be responsible for contacting the team managers of your opponents weekly to confirm game times and locations as well as communicate if a rain out happens.  It will be the team manager responsibility to schedule a make up game in the case of a rain out. 

Q: Are umpires provided?
A: Currently no umpires are provided for non-competitive divisions (Tee Ball, Coach/Machine), and although Single A keeps score and has many aspects similar to a full competitive division umpires are not provided at this level either.  For these divisions East Lane LL asks the coaches to be the on field umpires. 
For the 2024 year East Lane LL will not be able to provide umpires for the AA BB/SB, AAA BB/SB Divisions.  ELLL is exploring the possibility of contracting out Majors BB and SB, Intermediate BB, and Juniors/Seniors BB/SB home games.  The cost of this is heavy, and while contracting out umpire duties to area associations is a goal this may not be possible this season due to the cost.  With that said East Lane LL is exploring a few possibilities, but there will be times when teams may be responsible for securing their own volunteer umpire(s) for their home game(s).  If you have a desire to help secure contracted umpires please reach out to us immediately  [email protected]

Q: Does my team have to compete in any tournaments?
A: East Lane LL participates in an end of season TeeBall Jamboree with South Valley Little League in Cottage Grove where TeeBall teams from Eugene LL and Sheldon LL also attend.  AA, AAA, Majors BB/SB teams all compete in an End of Season Tournament among the teams from their division locally (all teams from East Lane LL, Eugene LL, Sheldon LL, and South Valley LL).  This is merely an extension of the regular season in which teams are seeded and either a double or single elimination game series is held.  The regular season division champion will be determined through this End of Season Tourney.

Majors BB/SB and Intermediate BB, and Juniors/Seniors BB/SB Team Managers will be made aware of other tournaments happening typically in the month of May up in Cascade LL (BB only - Turner), Keizer LL (BB and SB), and Parrish LL (BB only - NE Salem).  These are optional attendance, and typically their is an entrance fee for each team to the 3 or 4 game minimum tournament which can typically be split equally between the players on each team or by securing a team sponsor.  East Lane LL highly recommends for Majors, Intermediate, and Juniors/Seniors teams to attend as many of these tournaments as they can.  ((The Keizer LL Iris Festival Tournament occasionally has enough teams show interest at the AAA Division to hold a tourney for BB and SB.))

Q: Do I have to fill out a medical release and concussion form?
A: Yes.  All league volunteers are required to take the CDC Head Injury Concussion course annually and submit their certificate to the league by email.  East Lane LL recommends that all team managers keep a copy in the coaches binder which should be kept with each player's medical release form at all team activities.

Q: How else can I help out if don't think I'd be a good fit with any team related position?
We have a couple vacant board positions for this year or you can join next year’s board members.  As you can see, there are many ways to get involved.  The more volunteers we have, the more smoothly East Lane LL will run and the more fun our children will have while playing baseball or softball.  Also at our Annual Carnival we need people to help us setup, help run a station for a short period, and help with tear down. 

Q: I see things about East Lane LL that I don't like and think could be done better.  What can I do? 
A:  If you see things that could be done better then the first thing would be to talk to your team manager/coach.  And ask if they know anything about where you see an area of improvement can be made.  Secondly you can contact us at: East Lane LL noting your observations along with a plan on how to improve things.  If the response or answer doesn't meet your expectation then we would love to have you join the board.  Often involvement from parents or family willing to take the lead in an area they desire to see improved will be appreciated.

Q: What's the time commitment to be on the board?
The annual general membership meeting is usually in September after school begins, and that's when a new board is elected and established for 1 year which begins October 1st.  Board meetings are usually about 1.5 hrs and are once a month.  If there's any individual responsibilities a board member needs to do at all then they generally only take 15 minutes a couple hours month.  During the months of January, February, and March meetings are increased in frequency to about once every 2-3 weeks in preparation of league evaluations.  After teams are formed there are generally only 1-2 more meetings held before the season ends in June, and the board typically breaks for summer.  Any board related decisions needed during the summer typically are by email correspondence. 

Q: What does the league spend the registration fee on?  Why are sponsors so important?
The biggest item that the league uses the registration fee for is to purchase the uniform.  The league also uses the remaining amount to purchase (this list is not comprehensive):

  • paying Little League International their annual fee for East Lane LL to Charter teams
  • purchasing Insurance coverage for East Lane LL for the season as well as during the annual carnival
  • paying Willamalane or Springfield School District for field usage/rental time for both games and practices
  • game balls
  • practice balls when there aren't enough game balls left over from a previous season
  • replace worn out catcher gear including catcher mitts
  • bats
  • Baseball Tees (not T shirts... batting Tee).
  • replacement Blue Flame Pitching Machines
  • dirt for infields needing maintenance
  • tractor rental for field dragging
  • wiffle balls
  • umpire gear
  • chalkers
  • chalk for game lines
  • school and yard signs
  • banners
  • marketing and advertising costs
  • purchase coaching binders
  • printing materials needed in the coaching binders
  • replacement portable pitching mounds
  • Port-a-potty out house services at our game fields as serviced weekly by Buck's
  • rubber throw bases
  • other worn out, lost, or stolen equipment such as break-away bases and pitcher plates for game fields. 
  • Lastly, East Lane Little League holds an Annual Carnival where fun family activities are provided like Bounce Houses, Dunk Tanks, generators to run bounce houses, and Face Painters. 

Q: Does my player have to attend the East Lane LL Annual Carnival? 
A: East Lane LL has many league sponsors that have been promised a team photo and plaque as a part of their sponsorship.  Our league photographer will be scheduled to show up on the day of our Annual Carnival to take a team photo.  If your player is on a team that is sponsored its a requirement of East Lane to attend in order to fulfill the team photo obligation so a plaque can be sent to them.  Its the sponsors that help financially in a huge way to enable the league to operate.  Beyond the team photo East Lane LL typically schedules a team Hit-A-Thon through the company 99 Pledges as the annual league fundraiser.  East Lane LL asks that the team managers have their players have their photo taken if their team is sponsored and to run their team through the Hit-A-Thon portion.  East Lane LL does not ask your player to go door to door to sell candles, tickets, cookie dough, or any other product.  Instead of that we ask for players and teams to compete against each other in helping the league raise funding to secure money for next year's operating costs.  (See above question for a non-comprehensive list of operating costs.)

Q: Do I have to purchase photos from the league photographer?
A: No.  Nobody is required to purchase team photos.  If your player's team is sponsored we ask that the whole team show up for the photo taken by the league photographer.  Teams are free to arrange for a private photo session from another photographer such as a family friend or local photographer from the area and purchase photos and not from the league photographer East Lane LL has as a league sponsor.  We only ask that if a team that is sponsored arranges this then they also show up at the carnival for their team photo. 


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