2025 Sponsorship Packages
A sponsorship of any size is welcome and greatly appreciated.
Thank you to our sponsors in advance for your contribution and support of East Lane Little League (ELLL) and our youth.
Click HERE to download the sponsorship form.
For sponsorships of at least $500 ELLL offers the following perks:
All American $500 or more
Company name, logo, and link to website on ELLL’s website sponsor page
A baseball signed by local youth as a thank you for your support
Major League $750 or more
All benefits from the All American as well as
Company name or logo on the sleeve of a team’s jerseys
Company logo is limited to 2 colors or black and white
Official East Lane Little League team picture plaque
All the benefits of All-American as well as
Company name or logo on the front of a team’s jerseys
Company logo printed in up to 4 colors
Company can request jersey color to match company color/logo*
Official East Lane Little League team picture plaque
This is a brand new option for the 2024 season!
Once you purchase one of the above sponsorship packages, you may choose to add a banner to your package
This banner will be displayed at all home games played by the team you sponsored
It's an exciting new way to support little league and advertise for your business
* Please provide three color choices, in the order of preference, on the Sponsor Agreement.